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MIT Museum

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Displaying 61 - 68 of 68 news clips related to this topic.

Boston Globe

Mark Feeney of The Boston Globe writes about the “Photographing Places” exhibit at the MIT Museum, which features images that appeared in the landscape and urban design journal Places. “There are 21 photographers in the show and nearly 70 images. In both style and substance, they demonstrate a happily vigorous diversity,” explains Feeney. 

Boston Magazine

Yiqing Shao writes for Boston Magazine about “Photographing Places,” a new exhibit at the MIT Museum featuring art from Places journal, a publication that examines the relationship between people and their surroundings. Places was “founded in the ’80s by architecture faculty at MIT and UC Berkeley,” explains Shao.

CBS Boston

CBS Boston lists the MIT Museum gift shop among the top-five museum gift stores in the city: “Not only will visitors find a wealth of MIT memorabilia in the MIT Museum Store, they will also find lots of math presents and barware.”

Boston Globe

Carolyn Johnson of The Boston Globe reports on the annual Chain Reaction event hosted by the MIT Museum. “More than 20 all-ages teams united homemade machines to create a giant post-Thanksgiving chain reaction,” writes Johnson.


Nidhi Subbaraman writes for BetaBoston about the 3-D/4-D exhibition being presented at the MIT Museum. The displays are made up of 3-D printed materials that independently fold into new shapes.


Deborah Douglas, the director of collections and curator of science and technology at the MIT Museum, speaks with WGBH about history of the slide rule. "The slide rule is an instrument that was used to design virtually everything," says Douglas. "The size of a sewer pipe, the weight-bearing ability of a cardboard box, even rocket ships and cars."

Boston Globe

Mark Shanahan and Meredith Goldstein of The Boston Globe report on a World Cup kick-off party hosted by the MIT Museum and the MIT-Brazil program. “The day’s program included a ball juggling competition, music, and a lesson from MIT applied mathematics professor John Bush about the physics of the sport,” they write.

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Mark Feeney reports on “Daguerre’s American Legacy: Photographic Portraits (1840-1900) From the Wm. B. Becker Collection,” which is on display at the MIT Museum through January 4.