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Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship

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A new report details the entrepreneurial impact of MIT’s alumni entrepreneurs, reports Hiawatha Bray for BetaBoston. “We’re seeing a more rapid rate of growth than we have ever seen before,” explains Prof. Edward Roberts, in the “growth in the formation and startup of new companies by MIT alumni.”

The Tech

MIT and Boston University are joining forces to provide law clinics for student entrepreneurs looking for legal advice, reports Katherine Nazemi for The Tech. “There’s opportunity for students to drop in and say ‘I don’t know if I need help or not, but this is what I’m doing, what do you think?’” explains Chancellor Cynthia Barnhart.

Justine Hofherr writes for about Christina Chase’s work mentoring students at the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship. Hofherr writes that “Chase’s former students say she’s helped them realize their dreams, and is paving the way for women in tech one class at a time.”


William Aulet, managing director of the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship, speaks with Cheryl Conner of Forbes about what entrepreneurs can gain from taking online courses. “Entrepreneurship is not a gift,” Aulet explains. “It’s a skill. People should think of becoming an entrepreneur in the same way they think of becoming a teacher or lawyer.”

The Wall Street Journal

Bill Aulet writes for The Wall Street Journal about how new startups are valued. “Historically the science has been pretty simple: Find comparable companies and do a multiple of earnings or revenue. However, three drivers of startup valuation have emerged that are changing the game,” Aulet writes.