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Scientific American

MIT researchers have developed a light-based computing system that could enhance deep learning, reports Jesse Dunietz for Scientific American. Future versions fabricated for deep learning, “could provide the same accuracy as the best conventional chips while slashing the energy consumption by orders of magnitude and offering 100 times the speed.”


MIT researchers have developed a computer chip that uses beams of light to mimic neurons, reports Matthew Hutson for Science. Hutson explains that, “such ‘optical neural networks’ could make any application of so-called deep learning—from virtual assistants to language translators—many times faster and more efficient.”


Researchers at MIT have developed an incandescent light bulb that vastly improves the device’s energy efficiency, The Economist reports. The modified bulb “maintains the technology’s advantages while vastly improving its energy credentials, giving it the potential to trounce CFLs and LEDs.”

Popular Science

Popular Science reporter Mary Beth Griggs writes that MIT researchers are developing a more efficient incandescent light bulb. Griggs explains that the prototype “is already as energy efficient as some LEDs and fluorescent bulbs currently on the market.”

BBC News

MIT researchers have developed a technique to increase the efficiency of incandescent light bulbs, reports Matt McGrath for BBC News. "We have this huge challenge that the world is facing right now, global warming and energy efficiency and this gives you one more tool," says Prof. Marin Soljačić. 

Scientific American

Researchers at MIT and the University of California, Berkeley, have developed a vision-correcting display that modifies the screens of smartphones or tablets to eliminate a user’s need to wear glasses, writes Rachel Nuwer for Scientific American. “The screen can correct for myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and more complicated vision problems,” she explains.

BBC News

“Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have invented a glass screen that corrects bad vision, without the need for spectacles or contact lenses,” the BBC News reports. “The device is compatible with phones, tablets, TVs and even car dashboards.”

Financial Times

Clive Cookson of The Financial Times reports on the new vision-correcting display developed by researchers from MIT and the University of California, Berkeley. The technology, which automatically corrects for vision problems, “puts the glasses on the display, rather than on your head,” explains Dr. Gordon Wetzstein. 

The Guardian

Luke Holland writes for The Guardian about work by the MIT Center for Ultracold Atoms to try to form 3-D structures comprised of light. “By manipulating photons, they've discovered a way of making them react with and deflect each other, essentially forming a new type of matter,” writes Holland.


Wired reporter Katie Collins examines the new display technology developed by MIT researchers that automatically corrects for visual defects, allowing individuals to watch TV or use their iPhone without their glasses. 


Forbes reporter Jay McGregor writes that researchers at MIT have developed a new vision-correcting display that automatically adjusts for people with visual impairments. “The idea is that the technology will predict how the users’ eyes will distort whatever is on screen and correct it beforehand,” McGregor explains. 

BBC News

BBC News reports on a new vision-correcting display developed by MIT researchers that automatically corrects to allow individuals with vision problems to use the technology without glasses. The technology operates by altering the light from individual pictures on the display based on a person’s prescription. 


Xinhuanet highlights a new system developed by MIT Professor Marin Soljačić  and graduate student Yichen Shen that allows for filtering light waves based on direction. This research could have major implications for solar energy technology.

New Scientist

New Scientist reporter Jacob Aron reports on how MIT researchers have developed a new system that filters light waves based on the direction they are traveling. The system could be used to take photographs of faint objects, Aron writes.