Immune action at a distance
MIT and MGH researchers design a local, gel-based drug-delivery platform that may provoke a system-wide immune response to metastatic tumors.
MIT and MGH researchers design a local, gel-based drug-delivery platform that may provoke a system-wide immune response to metastatic tumors.
A potential new Alzheimer’s drug represses the harmful inflammatory response of the brain’s immune cells, reducing disease pathology, preserving neurons, and improving cognition in preclinical tests.
The Koch Institute’s Annual Symposium highlights emerging successes and challenges in the advancement of vaccines to prevent and treat cancer.
In addition to turning on genes involved in cell defense, the STING protein also acts as an ion channel, allowing it to control a wide variety of immune responses.
SMART researchers find the enzyme RlmN, which directly senses chemical and environmental stresses, can be targeted in drug development.
MIT researchers characterize gene expression patterns for 22,500 brain vascular cells across 428 donors, revealing insights for Alzheimer’s onset and potential treatments.
A cancer vaccine combining checkpoint blockade therapy and a STING-activating drug eliminates tumors and prevents recurrence in mice.
Researchers develop new, patient-friendly hydrogel platform for administering lifesaving biologics.
Aided by machine learning, scientists are working to develop a vaccine that would be effective against all SARS-CoV-2 strains.
The associate professor of MechE reflects on how his company, Kytopen, has grown and shifted focus in developing safer immunotherapies.
A new study reveals that lymph nodes near the lungs create an environment that weakens T-cell responses to tumors.
New fellows are working on health records, robot control, pandemic preparedness, brain injuries, and more.
Professors Arup Chakraborty, Lina Necib, and Ronald Fernando Garcia Ruiz as well as Yuan Cao SM ’16, PhD ’20; Alina Kononov ’14; Elliott H. Lieb ’53; Haocun Yu PhD ’20; and others honored for contributions to physics.
Gloria Choi’s studies of how the immune system and nervous system influence each other could yield new approaches to treating neurological disorders.
Study indicates ailing neurons may instigate an inflammatory response from the brain’s microglia immune cells.