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United Press International (UPI)

Researchers have developed a microfluidic platform called “physiome on a chip”, which allows them to determine how certain drugs will affect up to 10 different organs. “Because the animal and human immune systems are different, [drug] testing is difficult in non-human trials,” writes Allen Cone for UPI, “but [this] system could help with that.”


Prof. Linda Griffith has created a “complex platform where researchers can put up to 10 organ tissues in separate compartments, regulating the flow of substances and medications between them in real time,” to determine how each organ will react, writes Devin Coldewey for TechCrunch.  The scale of this model “represents a huge jump in the capabilities of this kind of system.”

New Scientist

Prof. Linda Griffith has developed ten miniature models of human organs “to create the closest we’ve come yet to a human-on-a-chip,” writes Jessica Hamzelou for New Scientist. “This is still only a minimal representation of a human,” said Griffith, but this kind of system could eventually eliminate the need for animal testing.

CBS Boston

CBS Boston spotlights how Portal Instruments, an MIT startup, is bringing a needle-free injector to the market, which could change the way people take medicine. The device, “fires a pressurized spray to penetrate the skin, instead of piercing the skin with traditional needles.”

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Alyssa Meyers writes that a new study by MIT researchers shows that probiotics could be used to help fight high blood pressure. The researchers found that probiotics, “can boost beneficial bacteria in the human gut that prevent pro-inflammatory immune cells from increasing in number." Pro-inflammatory immune cells have been linked with hypertension.


BostInno’s Karis Hustad spotlights how Solve tackles some of the world’s most pressing challenges. “You need a different type of innovation or technology or adaptation and affordability of technology for some of the big challenges of today,” explains Alexandra Amouyel, Solve's executive director. “To do that, you need a much more bottom up, grassroots innovation process.”


This CNN video highlights tattoo ink developed by Media Lab researchers that changes colors when it detects changes in biochemistry. The researchers hope the technology could eventually be used to, “help people better monitor their health.” 

U.S. News & World Report

In an article published by U.S. News & World Report, Robert Preidt writes that MIT researchers have identified a mechanism that helps the flu viruses evolve rapidly. “Blocking flu viruses from using the host cells' chaperones could help prevent the viruses from developing resistance to existing drugs and vaccines,” says Preidt. 

Boston Magazine

MIT researchers have developed a portable paper-based test that can diagnose the Zika virus and differentiate between four types of the Dengue virus, writes Rowan Walrath for Boston Magazine. The researchers are, “also working on a diagnostic for the tick-borne Powassan virus, which…causes a severe form of encephalitis.”

Boston Globe

MIT researchers have potentially discovered a way to prevent the flu virus from evolving to resist vaccines and treatment, reports Alyssa Meyers for The Boston Globe. The researchers are also, “testing HIV and other rapidly mutating viruses to see if inhibiting chaperones could prevent those viruses from mutating and becoming treatment-resistant.”

Boston Magazine

Boston Magazine reporter Jamie Ducharme writes about BioBot Analytics, an MIT startup focused on bringing cities public health information by drawing on the data found in sewage systems. Ducharme writes that by “analyzing samples from the sewer…Biobot is adapting individualized methods of studying the human microbiome” on an urban scale.


During this NECN segment, Boston Business Journal reporter Kelly O’Brien discusses the new wireless sleep detection device developed by CSAIL researchers. The algorithm developed by the research team can translate radio waves emitted by the device “into usable information about where a person is in their sleep cycle,” explains O’Brien. 


TechCrunch reporter Brian Heater spotlights a new device developed by MIT researchers that can wirelessly monitor sleep. “Thanks to new AI technology, the system is now able to translate subtle movement into meaningful information about the subject’s sleep patterns, including sleep stages (light/deep/R.E.M.), movement and breathing rate." 

Boston Globe

MIT researchers have developed a new device that can track sleep patterns using radio waves, reports Alyssa Meyers for The Boston Globe. The researchers plan to “use the device to study how Parkinson’s disease affects sleep,” Meyers explains, adding that it could also be helpful with, “studying Alzheimer’s disease, insomnia, sleep apnea, and epilepsy.”

Boston Magazine

Boston Magazine reporter Jamie Ducharme writes that MIT researchers have developed a non-invasive technique for assessing cells, which could eventually be used to help diagnose diseases. The researchers are “working with doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital, who hope to use the technique to study diseases such as cancer and asthma.”