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Health care

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Boston Magazine

Jamie Ducharme at Boston Magazine writes about the new ingestible origami robots from researchers at CSAIL, University of Sheffield, and Tokyo Institute of Technology “that could be used to remove swallowed objects, patch stomach wounds, and deliver medication.”

Scientific American

Melinda Moyer of Scientific American reports that researchers have found that people who used acid blockers to treat heart burn are at increased risk for developing intestinal infections. Moyer explains that the blockers “may limit the gut's diversity by reducing its acidity and thus creating an environment that is more or less amenable to certain microbes.”

Researchers from MIT and Mass General Hospital have been named one of the winners of Popular Science’s 2016 Invention Awards for their work developing an ingestible electronic device that measures vital signs, reports Dialynn Dwyer for 


Wired reporter Emily Reynolds writes about Anna Young, who works with the Little Devices Lab at MIT, and her talk at “WIRED Health” on bringing innovation to hospitals. "There's another side of medical devices," says Young. “I consider myself a medical device archaeologist. I want to take these tools apart, understand how they work."


Prof. Jonathan Gruber writes for WBUR about health care reform in Massachusetts. Gruber notes that reforms, "raised insurance coverage, improved health and financial security, improved the efficiency of health care, lowered premiums in the non-employer market, and had no meaningful impact on employer-provided insurance coverage or premiums.”

Here and Now

Grad student Michael Stepner speaks with Peter O’Dowd of Here & Now about his research examining how the life expectancy gap between the rich and poor has grown. Stepner explains the research suggests an opportunity for local “policies to address these gaps and improve life expectancies for low-income Americans.”

The Washington Post

Emily Badger and Christopher Ingraham write for The Washington Post about a study by MIT researchers that examines how poverty impacts life expectancies across the country. “What's especially striking is that the poor live even shorter lives in some places than others. They have longer life expectancies in affluent, cities with highly educated populations,” they explain. 


A new study co-authored by MIT researchers finds that people who live in expensive, well-educated cities tend to live longer, reports Jim Zarroli for NPR. Zarroli explains that “the study suggests that the relationship between life expectancy and income is not iron-clad, and changes at the local level can make a big difference.”

Bloomberg News

Bloomberg News reporter John Tozzi writes about a new study co-authored by MIT researchers that finds a growing disparity between the life expectancies of rich and poor Americans. The researchers found that, “top earning Americans gained 2 to 3 years of life expectancy between 2001 and 2014, while those at the bottom gained little or nothing.”

Financial Times

In an article for the Financial Times about new health care technologies, Sarah Murray highlights Prof. Rosalind Picard’s work developing wearable monitoring devices that could help people with conditions like epilepsy. “Wearables are going to be much bigger than anyone imagined,” says Picard.


NPR reporter Michelle Andrews writes about a new paper, co-authored by Prof. Andrew Lo, that proposes developing health care installment loans to help patients access treatments that are prohibitively expensive. Lo explains that the loans are a "private sector stopgap way to deal with” the high prices of certain medications. 


Wired reporter Sarah Zhang writes about a new proposal from Prof. Andrew Lo to use Wall Street to help lower health care costs. Zhang explains that Lo’s proposal would “theoretically make cures available to more patients, incentivizing the drug industry to make those instead of mitigators.”

Tech Insider

Tech Insider’s Chris Weller reports on a new study by MIT researchers that examines how sneezes travel and spread viruses. The findings could help researchers “predict and prevent disease spread,” Weller explains. “If they know how quickly a pathogen spreads via sneeze, then they can learn more about the risks posed by the viruses themselves.”

ABC News

MIT researchers used high-speed cameras to examine how sneezes travel, reports Gillian Mohney for ABC News. The researchers found that “instead of a uniform cloud of droplets, a single sneeze would fragment in the air similar to paint being flung onto a canvas.”

BBC News

In an interview with the BBC, Prof. Heidi Williams argues that there should be more incentives for developing cancer prevention techniques and treatments for early-stage cancers. "If you look at drugs that get approved by the FDA, they all tend to be for very late stage cancer patients,” says Williams.