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Haystack Observatory

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Displaying 46 - 60 of 78 news clips related to this topic.

Science News

Postdoctoral fellow Kazunori Akiyama speaks with Science News reporter Emily Conover about his work translating the data compiled from eight observatories around the world into the first image of a black hole. “I was really happy, really excited,” says Akiyama of his emotions after seeing the first rendering of a black hole.  

Lowell Sun

Haystack research scientist speaks with Lowell Sun reporter Alana Melanson about how scientists at the Haystack Observatory made key contributions to creating the first-ever image of a black hole. “It's enormous volumes of data coming at you very, very fast -- much faster than you can record on a single hard drive,” says Fish of the vast quantities of data processed at Haystack to develop the image.


WCVB-TV’s Rhondella Richardson visits the MIT Haystack Observatory to learn more about how researchers there helped process the data that was compiled to produce the first image of a black hole. “It really does look exactly like what we expected it to, based on Einstein’s model of relativity,” explains Michael Hecht, Haystack’s associate director for research management. “There’s still a sense of awe.”

Science News

Science News reporter Maria Temming speaks with researchers from the Event Horizon Telescope about their work capturing the first picture of a black hole. Describing how the image was captured, Haystack research scientist Vincent Fish explains that the team was able to “reconstruct images, even though we don’t have 100 percent of the information, is because we know what images look like” in general.  


Haystack postdoc Kazunori Akiyama speaks with Gizmodo reporter Ryan Mandelbaum about the effort to capture the first image of a black hole, and notes that in the future, additional observations should shed light on how the region around the black hole is changing. “By accumulating observations over the next year with additional telescopes, we can identify what’s changing the black hole image,” Akiyama explains.

Fortune- CNN

Fortune reporter Chris Morris explores how the Event Horizon Telescope has captured the first image of a black hole. “We’ve demonstrated that the EHT is the observatory to see a black hole on an event horizon scale,” says Haystack postdoc Kazunori Akiyama. “This is the dawn of a new era of black hole astrophysics.”


WBZ-TV’s Ken MacLeod visits MIT’s Haystack Observatory to learn about how scientists there processed enormous quantities of data to develop the first image of a black hole. “My goodness, we just proved that Einstein was right at a scale that no one has dreamed of,” says Haystack’s Michael Hecht. “Most of us still don’t believe it’s possible, even though we have done it.”


MassLive reporter Kristin LaFratta spotlights how researchers from the MIT Haystack Observatory played a key role in processing the first image of a black hole. “This project has been my life ever since the beginning of it. It’s overwhelming,” says Haystack’s Michael Titus. “It’s something that’s been a long time coming.”

Radio Boston (WBUR)

Haystack research scientist Vincent Fish speaks with Radio Boston about the significance of capturing the first image of a black hole. “It seemed like it would take forever for us to constitute an array to actually be able to make an image,” recalls Fish of the early days of the project. “Actually making an image, I’m glad to be able to do that.”

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Martin Finucane spotlights how MIT Haystack Observatory researchers played a “major role in the effort to create the first-ever picture of a black hole.” “I’m very proud,” says Vincent Fish, a research scientist at Haystack. “I’ve spent most of my professional life on this and I’m just really glad we got such great results out of this.”

Popular Science

Mary Beth Griggs writes for Popular Science about a new Nature study where researchers have identified cold hydrogen dating back to 180 million years post-big bang. “Some of the radiation from the very first stars is starting to allow hydrogen to be seen,” says Alan Rogers of the Haystack Observatory.


The Nature Podcast, hosted by Adam Levy and Shamini Bundell, highlights research from the Haystack Observatory and Prof. Li-Huei Tsai’s findings around Alzheimer’s and its connection to brain waves.

National Geographic

National Geographic reporter Christina Nunez writes that MIT researchers have found that the total solar eclipse in August 2017 caused boat-like ripples in the Earth’s atmosphere. The researchers explained that the findings reveal, “complex interconnections between the sun, moon, and Earth's neutral atmosphere and ionosphere.”

Lowell Sun

Lowell Sun reporter Chris Lisinski spotlights the total eclipse viewing party held at MIT’s Wallace Observatory in Westford. Lisinski notes that the Observatory, “hosted close to 200 people, many of them young children, for a viewing of Monday's "Great American Eclipse."

The Boston Globe

More than 5,000 people gathered at MIT’s Kresge Oval to watch the solar eclipse, reports Michael Levenson, Steve Annear and Sara Salinas of The Boston Globe. In addition to a few hundred pairs of eclipse glasses, two telescopes were available to detect sunspots and sun flares.