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Davide Castelvecchi of Nature explores the “ambitious scientific quarry” that gravitational-wave scientists are after, including what happened in the first few moments after the Big Bang. Castelvecchi, who speaks with MIT physicist Rainer Weiss for this piece, notes that the field has already “delivered discoveries at a staggering rate, outpacing even the rosiest expectations.”


Research Scientist Allan Adams discusses what gravitational waves reveal about the universe with Guy Raz of NPR’s TED Radio Hour. Adams explains that the detection of gravitational waves is important because they “allow us to see back in time and even unlock some of the mysteries of the origins of our universe.”


Jonathan Amos reports for The BBC on new advanced laser interferometer gravitational observatory (LIGO) facilities that are part of a project headed by MIT and Caltech to detect gravitational waves resulting from extreme cosmic events: “Confirmation of the waves' existence should open up a new paradigm in astronomy,” writes Amos.