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Developing countries

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BBC News

BBC reporter Dave Edmonds speaks to Prof. Esther Duflo, co-founder of J-PAL, about her use of field studies and randomized control trials to test the effectiveness of programs in developing countries. Duflo explains that by examining data from randomized control trials, “out of the noise emerges some kind of melody of the logic of behavior.”


In an article for Salon, Associate Prof. Noelle Eckley Selin and postdoc Sae Yun Kwon discuss their latest research, which examined emissions in China. They write that although mercury pollution is often associated with fish consumption, “China’s future emissions trajectory can have a measurable influence on the country’s rice methylmercury” levels, as well. 


Using several comparative models, a new study led by MIT researchers reveals that China’s pledge to peak its carbon emissions by 2030 could cut down on as many as 160,000 premature deaths. “Politically, the research confirms why Chinese officials have their own internal reasons to cut CO2 even though the U.S. is abandoning Paris and disengaging internationally on climate,” writes Ben Geman for Axios.


A new study finds that a 4% reduction in China's carbon emissions by 2030 could save a total of $464.5 billion in healthcare costs, writes Chase Purdy for Quartz. “We have all these policy goals for a transition toward a more sustainable society,” says Associate Prof. Noelle Selin. “Mitigating air pollution, a leading cause of death, is one of them, and avoiding dangerous climate change is another.”

BBC World Service

Postdoc Sameer Rao talks to the BBC World Service about his team’s development of a device for extracting water from the atmosphere of excessively dry climates. “I think it can address water scarcity in areas where there is no water and there’s a lot of social and economic challenges because of that,” said Rao.


The “One Laptop Per Child” project, originated in the Media Lab, was the subject of a study that revealed the importance of having a laptop in the home for “access to information, educational games, and tools for self-expression.” In an op-ed for Mashable, Sandra Nogry calls on educators to encourage the use of technology for learning in developing countries.

The Financial Times

Writing for the Financial Times, Associate Prof. Tavneet Suri explains the importance of measuring the benefits of philanthropy in sub-Saharan Africa. This data “could help resource- or skills-constrained African companies to leverage the benefits of impact measurement tools, to better understand their positive impact on poverty,” Prof. Suri explains.

BBC News

BBC News reporter James Gallagher writes that MIT researchers have developed a new technology that could eventually enable doctors to administer multiple vaccines in one shot. 


Guardian reporter Nicola Davis writes that MIT researchers have developed a new approach that could be used to deliver multiple vaccines in one injection. Davis explains that the technique could prove useful in developing countries, “potentially allowing all childhood vaccines and their boosters to be given in one shot.”

New Scientist

MIT researchers have developed a new way of creating drug-carrying particles that could allow multiple doses of a vaccine to be delivered over an extended period of time, reports Matt Reynolds for New Scientist. “The technology could eventually be used to create ‘omni-vaccines’ that protect against a whole host of diseases in one shot.”

Boston Magazine

Boston Magazine reporter Rowan Walrath writes that MIT researchers have developed a new technique that could be used to deliver multi-drug vaccines. The researchers developed a new method for “designing customizable, three-dimensional microparticles that resemble minuscule coffee cups. Each cup…contains a drug or vaccine ‘library’ that can be released at multiple points over an extended period of time.”

Associated Press

AP reporter Katy Daigle writes that climate change could drive heat and humidity to extremes in regions of South Asia. Daigle explains that, “with no limit on global warming, about 30 percent of the region could see dangerous wet bulb temperatures above 31 degrees C (88 degrees F) on a regular basis within just a few decades.”

CBC News

A new study by MIT researchers finds that climate change could cause deadly heat waves in South Asia by the end of the century, reports Nicole Riva for CBC News. The research demonstrates what could happen if “we keep going in this trajectory of no action related to climate change or minimal action,” says Prof. Elfatih Eltahir.

The Washington Post

Washington Post reporter Chelsea Harvey writes that MIT researchers have found that millions of people in South Asia could experience deadly heat waves by the end of the century. Without reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, “certain areas of South Asia are projected to occasionally experience extreme conditions exceeding the lethal threshold, including parts of northeastern India and Bangladesh.”


Justin Worland reports for TIME on a new study by MIT researchers that shows by the end of the century millions of people living in South Asia could experience temperature and humidity conditions that exceed habitable levels. “The disastrous scenario could be avoided if countries meet their commitments to keep temperatures from rising more than 2°C (3.6°F) by 2100.”