Large language models are biased. Can logic help save them?
MIT researchers trained logic-aware language models to reduce harmful stereotypes like gender and racial biases.
MIT researchers trained logic-aware language models to reduce harmful stereotypes like gender and racial biases.
The long-running programming competition encourages skills and friendships that last a lifetime.
A process that seeks feedback from human specialists proves more effective at optimization than automated systems working alone.
The prize is the top honor within the field of communications technology.
The Advanced Computing Users Survey, sampling sentiments from 120 top-tier universities, national labs, federal agencies, and private firms, finds the decline in America’s advanced computing lead spans many areas.
Senior music lecturer Elena Ruehr turns Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace, groundbreaking thinkers of modern computing, into crime fighters.
19th Microsystems Annual Research Conference reveals the next era of microsystems technologies, along with skiing and a dance party.
A wireless technique enables a super-cold quantum computer to send and receive data without generating too much error-causing heat.
Using lasers, researchers can directly control a property of nuclei called spin, that can encode quantum information.
Located in the new MIT Welcome Center in Building E38, the installation expresses the dynamic, vibrant culture of MIT through the medium of programmable light.
“Squeezing” noise over a broad frequency bandwidth in a quantum system could lead to faster and more accurate quantum measurements.
A new study shows how large language models like GPT-3 can learn a new task from just a few examples, without the need for any new training data.
A new tool brings the benefits of AI programming to a much broader class of problems.
With a grant from the Office of Naval Research, MIT researchers aim to design novel high-performance steels, with potential applications including printed aircraft components and ship hulls.
Growing from a strong foundation built at MIT CSAIL and other academic hosts, W3C will continue its mission of developing standards for an open and equitable web.