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Computational biology

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Prof. Li-Huei Tsai, director of the Picower Institute, speaks with NPR host Jon Hamilton about her work identifying a protein called reelin that appears to protect brain cells from Alzheimer's. “Tsai says she and her team are now using artificial intelligence to help find a drug that can replicate what reelin does naturally,” says Hamilton. 

Fast Company

Sean Hunt PhD ’16, M. Eng ’13 and Gaurab Chakrabarti co-founded Solugen after discovering a way to make chemicals from corn syrup instead of fossil fuels, reports Adele Peters for Fast Company. “Based on a detailed analysis of current products, the company estimates that it could theoretically produce 90% of the chemicals that are now produced by fossil fuels,” writes Peters.

New Scientist

Through a comprehensive comparison of genetic activity, MIT researchers have found that humans and birds share many of the same singing genes. "There's potential for songbirds to be used to study neurodegeneration – especially conditions like Huntington's," says Dr. Andreas Pfenning of MIT.

Associated Press

Malcom Ritter of the Associated Press reports on how scientists have developed a new family tree for most of the bird species alive today, providing new insight into evolutionary history. Research conducted by Dr. Andreas Pfenning “found that birds with this "vocal learning" ability share some similarities with humans in the activity of certain genes in the brain.”