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The Tech

On April 23rd, MIT will host an open house featuring 380 activities across campus, The Tech reports. Michael Berry ‘10, program coordinator for MIT 2016, explains that the open house offers visitors a chance to explore the “important and fun work done on MIT’s campus and how it impacts the world.”


Graduate student Lydia Krasilnikova speaks with the Metro’s Spencer Buell about the visualizations she compiled on what color underwear MIT students wear, based on information reported to dorm mailing lists. “I think the pictures in the pie charts kind of provide a sort of visualization of dorm culture in a different perspective than you usually get,” explains Krasilnikova. 


In an article for CNN about Instagram accounts that highlight scientific developments, Esra Gurkan features the MIT account. Gurkan writes that the MIT Instagram account combines “both science and beauty, providing unique views of the amazing architecture found on their campus and, of course, the quirks and ingenuity of being a student there.”


As part of their Women in Politics: College Edition series, MSNBC highlights undergraduate Sophia Liu’s work in student government at MIT. Liu explains that she was drawn to student government because she wanted “to meet more MIT students, and because I hoped to start giving back to a community that I treasured and believed was incredibly special.”

CBS News

CBS News reporter Brian Mastroianni writes about how social media users celebrated Pi Day this year, highlighting two of MIT’s Facebook posts.  One of the MIT Pi Day posts featured MIT students writing down as many digits of π as possible from memory, while the other wished Albert Einstein a happy birthday. 

Boston Globe

Steve Annear writes for The Boston Globe about the video MIT Admissions created to announce that admissions decisions will be released on March 14, “Pi Day.” Annear writes that in the video, “a robot the school is calling a ‘Decisions Droid’…emerges from the school’s personal robots lab and makes its way to Dean of Admissions Stu Schmill’s office.”

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Mark Feeney writes about the MIT Museum’s new show, “Imagining New Technology: Building MIT in Cambridge,” which honors the 100th anniversary of the Institute’s move to Cambridge. Feeney writes that the items on display “make up a very MIT blend of the majestic, even magnificent…with the cheerfully goofy.”

MIT will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Institute’s move from Boston to Cambridge this May, reports Kristin Toussaint for Toussaint writes that MIT is hosting a "competition in which MIT alumni, students, staff, and faculty can create vessels that will make their own voyage across river." 

Boston Globe

The Boston Globe’s Steve Annear writes that MIT will host a parade to honor the 100th anniversary of the Institute’s move to Cambridge, and MIT community members are invited to create vehicles for the parade.  “Who knows what students will come up with?” explains Prof. John Ochsendorf. “The idea is that they come by land or by sea.”

Bryanna Cappadona reports for that Matt Damon will be MIT’s 2016 commencement speaker. “Damon joins a long list of notable MIT commencement speakers, including U.S. Chief Technology Officer Megan Smith in 2015, DuPont CEO Ellen Kullman in 2014, and Dropbox co-founder and CEO Drew Houston in 2013,” writes Cappadona.

Boston Globe

Actor and Cambridge native Matt Damon will speak at MIT’s 2016 commencement, writes Steve Annear for The Boston Globe. In addition to his success in Hollywood, Annear writes that Damon “is one of the founders of, a non-profit dedicated to delivering access to clean drinking water in developing countries.”

Associated Press

Academy Award-winning actor, filmmaker and social activist Matt Damon will deliver the 2016 commencement address at MIT, reports the Associated Press. 

Cambridge Chronicle

Natalie Handy of The Cambridge Chronicle writes about the MIT Museum’s Chain Reaction event, during which teams of people came together to build a mega machine. “Getting people involved, getting people excited, and dreaming and thinking about what they can make is what it’s all about,” said Jennifer Novotney of the MIT Museum. reporter Nina Godlewski writes that a time capsule from 1957 has been discovered at MIT. The capsule was a “specially designed glass cylinder and contained argon gas to preserve the contents. A little bit of carbon-14 was also added so scientists could date the capsule.”

Boston Globe

A glass time capsule from 1957 has been unearthed during excavation for MIT.nano, reports Steve Annear for The Boston Globe. Deborah Douglas, director of collections for the MIT Museum, says that the capsule is “a wonderful gesture, executed MIT-style.”