Desalination system could produce freshwater that is cheaper than tap water
MIT engineers and collaborators developed a solar-powered device that avoids salt-clogging issues of other designs.
MIT engineers and collaborators developed a solar-powered device that avoids salt-clogging issues of other designs.
Plata’s expertise in academics and industry will help advance the mission of the consortium and propel implementable climate solutions forward.
A cross-departmental team is leading efforts to utilize machine learning for increased efficiency in heating and cooling MIT’s buildings.
Professor of urban and environmental planning David Hsu explains what municipal governments are doing as climate change accelerates.
After a summer of weather extremes, where does the world stand in its goal to stem rising temps?
A new technique uses remote images to gauge the strength of ancient and active rivers beyond Earth.
With a minor in literature and environmental sustainability, the biology alumna considers perspectives from Charles Darwin to Annie Dillard.
The program’s success is prompting the Venture Mentoring Service to bolster its offerings for entrepreneurs starting businesses aimed at making positive change.
As Canada’s wildfires continue to be felt downwind, MIT experts weigh in on what to expect in the coming months, with wildfire season underway.
Technology demonstrations show the machine’s major components achieve the required performance.
If reactors are retired, polluting energy sources that fill the gap could cause more than 5,000 premature deaths, researchers estimate.
Roofscapes, a startup founded by three MIT students, is planning to build green spaces on pitched roofs in Paris, to decrease temperatures while improving quality of life.
J-WAFS researchers are using remote sensing observations to build high-resolution systems to monitor drought.
Open-source tool from MIT’s Senseable City Lab lets people check air quality, cheaply.
The Institute commits to net-zero emissions by 2026, charts course marshaling all of MIT’s capabilities toward decarbonization.