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Climate CoLab

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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 news clips related to this topic.

The Conversation

Matthew Nisbet, a professor at Northeastern University who focuses on climate change communication, writes for The Conversation about MIT’s Climate Action Plan. Nisbet writes that MIT’s plan can “serve as a model for how major research universities can accelerate effective societal actions on climate change by collaborating with a diversity of industry members.”

Boston Globe

Sarah Shemkus writes for The Boston Globe about how the MIT Climate CoLab uses crowdsourcing to address climate change. Climate change “is not a problem where one person or one organization can solve the problem alone,” says Prof. Thomas Malone, founder and head of the Climate CoLab. 

PRI’s The World

Ari Daniel of Public Radio International reports on the Climate CoLab conference, run by the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence, which brought together people from around the world to “crowdsource the problem of what to do about global climate change," says Prof. Tom Malone.

The Guardian

Writing for The Guardian, Sarah Shemkus reports on the MIT Climate CoLab’s approach to tackling climate change. The goal of the lab, a collaborative online community, is to bring together people from around the world to tackle climate change through online contests, Shemkus explains.