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Center for Advanced Urbanism (CAU)

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Archinect News

MIT’s Norman B. Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism (LCAU) has created an architectural installation for the Mextrópoli Architecture and City Festival in Mexico City, reports Josh Niland for Archinect. The installation titled Sueños con Fiber/Timber, Earth/Concrete utilizes “the school’s recent innovations in materials research to weave a narrative about the centuries-old capital through four materials: paper, wood, earth, and concrete,” writes Niland.

Boston Globe

Kevin Hartnett writes for The Boston Globe about an exhibition by the MIT Center for Advanced Urbanism that examines the future of suburban living. “Urban planning doesn’t focus enough attention on suburbia, it focuses on making dense cities denser, which is where a minority of the world’s population wants to live,” explains Prof. Alan Berger.