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Fox News

FOX News reporter James Rogers writes that MIT researchers have detected a new galaxy cluster that had been obscured by the bright light emitted from a supermassive black hole.  “Located just 2.4 billion light-years from Earth, the cluster consists of hundreds of individual galaxies,” Rogers explains.


Gizmodo reporter Ryan Mandelbaum highlights how MIT researchers used data from the CLAS particle accelerator and detector to determine that neutron stars are heavily influenced by protons. Prof. Or Hen explains that the findings show that, “protons are much more important in determining the properties of neutron stars than we thought.”

Writing for, Chelsea Gohd reports that a team of researchers led by Hans Moritz Guenther at MIT’s Kavli Institute has observed a young star devouring a planet. “The researchers hope to get a better idea of what really goes on in the life of a young star and how infant planets manage to survive,” explains Gohd.


Newsweek reporter Aristos Georgiou writes that physicists from MIT and other institutions have observed a star, called RW Aur A, consuming a young planet. Observations made with NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory over a five-year period enabled the finding, explains Georgiou.

Live Science

Using data on subatomic particles called neutrinos from Antarctica’s IceCube Neutrino Observatory, a team including MIT researchers has determined that Einstein’s theory of special relativity is correct. “Neutrinos had not yet been discovered when Einstein died, but his theory still predicts their behavior,” explains Kimberly Hickok for LiveScience.


In recent weeks, several groups of scientists have proven three of Einstein’s theories, reports Aristos Georgiou of Newsweek. Highlighting a team of researchers led by MIT Prof. Janet Conrad that proved Lorentz symmetry, Georgiou writes that their work “has shown that the great German physicist’s theory of special relativity applies even to tiny, high-energy subatomic particles known as neutrinos.”

Associated Press

Seth Borenstein of the Associated Press reports that astronomers, led by MIT research scientist Hans Mortiz Guenther, believe they may have witnessed a star devouring a young planet. According to computer simulations, the observed “30-fold increase in iron on the edge of the star” and “pronounced dimming” could be the result of planet devouring.

A new study co-authored by Assistant Prof. Salvatore Vitale shows that the collision of a black hole and neutron star could provide insight into how quickly the universe is expanding. One such merger could allow physicists to calculate the expansion rate “as effectively as combining data from 50 different neutron-star collisions,” reports Meghan Bartels for

The Boston Globe

A new paper by Assistant Prof. Salvatore Vitale finds that studying the rare pairing of a neutron star and a spiraling black hole could allow researchers to determine the universe’s rate of expansion, writes Jeremy Fox of The Boston Globe. The positive detection of a collision could “potentially give a dramatic contribution to our understanding of the universe,” says Vitale.

Fox News

An international research team led by postdoctoral fellow Carl Rodriguez has found that within a group of star clusters, black hole collisions can actually create larger black holes, writes Nola Taylor Redd for Fox News. A simulation showed that these black holes “should grow to be more than 50 times as massive as Earth's sun if they collide with other black holes.”


NASA’s planet-hunting satellite TESS has “snapped its first test shot — an incredibly clear, star-studded image centered on the Southern constellation of Centaurus,” writes Bruce Dorminey for Forbes. “We are truly excited about how well the TESS cameras are working,” said George Ricker, the mission’s principal investigator and a senior research scientist at MIT’s Kavli Institute. 


Prof. Sara Seager speaks with Nova Wonders about the hope of finding “some sign of life” with the TESS mission. "We'd like to see methane and other gases,” says Seager. “And some of these, on their own or together, would help make the case for life on another planet.”

New Scientist

NASA’s recently launched Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) “will spend the next two years scanning 200,000 stars looking for any exoplanets orbiting them,” explains New Scientist. In about two months, once the satellite is in orbit and its cameras are tested, “there’ll just be a flood of information,” says MIT’s George Ricker, the principal investigator on TESS.


NASA has successfully launched its “planet-hunting” Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, more than a decade after MIT scientists first proposed the idea of a mission like TESS, reports Ashley Stickland for CNN. “NASA believes that TESS will build on Kepler’s momentum and open the study of exoplanets in unprecedented ways,” writes Strickland.

Popular Mechanics

After launching into space on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, “NASA's newest planet-hunter, the TESS space telescope, will observe roughly 85 percent of the sky to find planets orbiting bright, nearby stars,” writes Jay Bennett of Popular Mechanics. "Never underestimate how ingenious nature actually is," said MIT’s George Ricker, who is the principal investigator on TESS.