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Artificial tissue

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Time Magazine

TIME has named Lisa Su ’90 SM ’91 PhD ’94, chair and CEO of Advanced Micro Devices, the 2024 CEO of the year. “It was at MIT that Su first experienced a semiconductor lab, where she was taken by the idea that such a tiny piece of hardware could carry so much mathematical firepower,” writes Billy Perrigo. “I was really lucky early in my career,” says Su. “Every two years, I did a different thing.” Su adds: “I felt like I was in training for the opportunity to do something meaningful in the semiconductor industry. And AMD was my shot.”

Boston Business Journal

Melissa Choi, who has served as assistant director of MIT Lincoln Laboratory since 2019 and has decades of experience working across the lab’s different technical areas, has been named the next director of Lincoln Laboratory, reports Isabel Tehan for the Boston Business Journal. “Under Choi’s leadership, the lab will continue to focus on long-term development of defense systems,” writes Tehan, “as well as quick-moving prototyping, both with the goal of protecting the U.S. from advanced threats.” 

The Economist

The work of Professors David Autor and Daron Acemoglu is highlighted in an article for The Economist that examines “how jobs are being transformed for the better.” A recent paper co-authored by Autor “demonstrated that tight American labour markets are leading to fast wage growth,” while a study from Acemoglu and others found “that use of robots meant higher wages for workers who were not replaced, and that these benefits spread beyond the automating firms.”

The Economist

The Economist spotlights research by Professors Daron Acemoglu and David Autor examining how companies are adopting AI technologies, and the impact on the workforce and productivity. The researchers found, “machines are not yet depressing labour demand across the economy as a whole. As machines become cleverer, however, that could change.”