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Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Steve Annear spotlights an MIT Admissions video that shows “Iron Man” superhero Riri Williams building her iconic suit on campus. Stuart Schmill, dean of admissions, says the Admissions Office videos, which are created as a lighthearted way to announce when admissions decisions will be available, “capture the spirit of this place and what students love to do.”

The Atlantic

Dean of admissions Stu Schmill spoke with Olga Khazan of The Atlantic about de-emphasizing the role of personal achievement in admissions decisions. “We’re trying to allow students to be themselves, to explore their interests more deeply, and not have to contort that or change that to fit the college-admissions process,” said Schmill.

Inside Higher Ed

In an article for Inside Higher Ed, Rick Seltzer highlights MIT’s efforts to reduce bias in the college application process by soliciting more information from applicants. “The value of more information is it gives us this opportunity to get a little closer to the student,” explains Lauren Avalos, associate director of admissions.

The Boston Globe

Dean of Admissions Stuart Schmill spoke with The Boston Globe’s Michael Levenson about the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold affirmative action. The decision “reaffirms the value of diversity in higher education and our ability to achieve that diversity,” said Schmill.

Boston Globe

Steve Annear writes for The Boston Globe about how grad student Lydia Krasilnikova created graphs and charts illustrating the color underwear MIT students select, based off self-reported information from dorm mailing lists. “It’s a different type of picture of MIT’s dorm culture,” says Krasilnikova. “I absolutely love it, and it was so much fun to put together.”


Graduate student Lydia Krasilnikova speaks with the Metro’s Spencer Buell about the visualizations she compiled on what color underwear MIT students wear, based on information reported to dorm mailing lists. “I think the pictures in the pie charts kind of provide a sort of visualization of dorm culture in a different perspective than you usually get,” explains Krasilnikova.

MIT admission’s office released a “Star Wars”-themed video to announce that admissions decisions would be released on Pi Day, writes Amanda Hoover for  Hoover explains that, “In true MIT fashion, the university released their admission decisions for the class of 2020 on Pi Day (March 14) at 6:28 p.m., which is known as Tau, or two-times pi.”

Boston Globe

Steve Annear writes for The Boston Globe about the video MIT Admissions created to announce that admissions decisions will be released on March 14, “Pi Day.” Annear writes that in the video, “a robot the school is calling a ‘Decisions Droid’…emerges from the school’s personal robots lab and makes its way to Dean of Admissions Stu Schmill’s office.”

Boston Globe

In an article for The Boston Globe, Linda Wertheimer writes about “Turning the Tide,” a new report that aims to focus the college admissions process on the whole student. “The right thing is not to overdo it, not to have this push for quantity over quality,” explains MIT Dean of Admissions Stuart Schmill.


Dean of Admissions Stuart Schmill speaks with WRKO’s Kim Carrigan about a new set of recommendations for the college admissions process. Schmill explains that, “we want students who are going to come here and try to improve the lives of their classmates,” as well as students interested in having a positive effect on the world.

New York Times

New York Times columnist Frank Bruni examines “Turning the Tide,” a new report that recommends changes to the college admissions process. Bruni says the report - which Stuart Schmill, dean of admissions, contributed to – “sagely reflects on what’s wrong with admissions and rightly calls for a revolution, including specific suggestions.”

The Wall Street Journal

In an article for The Wall Street Journal, Leslie Brody speaks with Stuart Schmill, dean of admissions, about a report that recommends new guidelines for the college admissions process. “We want students to lead balanced lives,” says Schmill of the impetus for updating the admissions process. 

Today Show

Stu Schmill, MIT’s Dean of Admissions, speaks with Matt Lauer of The Today Show about a new report that he helped develop, which recommends changes in the college application process. “This report, I hope, will really send a more powerful message around what colleges are really, really interested to see,” says Schmill. 

Boston Globe

In a letter to The Boston Globe, Lisa Arrowood, president of the Boston Bar Association, commends MIT’s decision “to speak out in favor of race-conscious admissions policies in higher education.” Arrowood writes that these policies help foster diversity in higher education.


Prof. Jaime Peraire, head of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, spoke with Univision news anchor Jorge Ramos about how to encourage more Latinos to study science, technology, engineering and math as part of Univision’s Education Week coverage. (This interview is in Spanish.)