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How to get into MIT

The MIT Club of Boston will host "How to Get into MIT," featuring MIT's Dean of Admissions, Stuart Schmill '86, on Thursday, May 6.

As the leader of MIT Admissions, Schmill will present an exclusive insider's perspective on the status of admissions at the Institute. He will share up to date trends and statistics from this year's application cycle, offer personal tips for success in today's college admissions process, and shed some light on the qualities he seeks in applicants and on what makes them shine in a highly competitive process.

As a unique bonus to this program, Schmill will also present sample applicant case studies to demystify the MIT process and engage attendees in what will surely be an interesting and informative discussion.

REGISTER NOW for what is sure to be a worthwhile evening for anyone interested in what goes on behind the scenes in highly selective college admissions.

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