Tech Reunions 2008 will bring more than 3,240 alumni and guests from 44 states and 44 countries to campus this weekend. The legendary red coats, wore by alumni beginning at their 50th reunions, will be in great profusion as the 50th reunion class leads faculty and students into Commencement on Friday. Last year's class, including William Thompson, left, and Ray Stata, right, are pictured during their walk down Memorial Drive. Weekend festivities for alumni include more than 56 Alumni Association events, from Tech Night at the Pops to Technology Day, and 97 class activities. Photo / Justin Knight
Projects from MIT course 4.043/4.044 (Interaction Intelligence) were presented at NeurIPS, showing how AI transforms creativity, education, and interaction in unexpected ways.
The course challenges students to commercialize technologies and ideas in one whirlwind semester. Alumni of the class have founded more than 150 companies.