Stephen Hawking, author of the best seller "A Brief History of Time," will discuss "Gödel and the End of Physics" as part of the Cambridge-MIT Institute's Distinguished Lecture Series on Jan. 23.
Hawking, the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University, will deliver the lecture in the United Kingdom. It will be broadcast live by video link to five classrooms at MIT starting at 11:30 a.m. EST.
Kurt Gödel, a Czech mathematician, developed the "Incompleteness Theorem" that shows that within any given branch of mathematics, some propositions cannot be proven true or false.
Hawking has devoted much research to basic laws that govern the universe, including conjecture that the universe has no edge or boundary in imaginary time, implying that the way the universe began was determined solely by the laws of science.
Members of the MIT community may attend the lecture in rooms 3-370, 9-057, 9-152, 8-404 and E52-315. For additional information, contact the CMI office at 253-7732 or