At Cambridge First Day on June 6, four local arts organizations -- the Dance Complex, the Cambridge Multicultural Arts Center, the Community Art Center and the Cambridge Community Chorus -- were honored for their role in advancing the arts in Cambridge. The "Honoring the Arts in Cambridge" ceremony, featuring keynote speaker Alan Brody, associate provost for the arts, will be broadcast on Cambridge cable TV channel 9 on August 4 at 7:10pm, August 18 at 7:30pm and August 23 at 10:40pm. Back row, left to right: Robert W. Healey, Cambridge city manager, Susan Richards Scott, executive director of the Community Art Center; and Alan Brody, MIT associate provost for the arts. Front row, left to right: Rozann Kraus, dancer and founder of the Dance Complex; Penny Peters, president of the Cambridge Community Chorus; Shelley Neil, executive director of the Cambridge Multicultural Art Center.
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on July 12, 2000.