This year, MIT Tech Talk plans to publish accounts of awards to students and other members of the community in the May 31 edition, the paper that will be available to families at Commencement.
Because of the volume of awards given every year, we would appreciate receiving them via e-mail to in the following specific order: award, recipient's first name, middle initial, last name, class year (e.g., senior, not '00), academic department by name, student's home town, and state or country. A phrase stating the reason for the award also would be helpful.
Please send your accounts along as soon as possible. Assembling this infomation and arranging it for publication is very time-consuming, so getting complete information early is essential in presenting a comprehensive report.
The deadline for inclusion in the May 31 issue will be Friday, May 19. If your awards have been decided but not yet presented, please so note, so we know to treat the information as confidential. Call Alice Waugh at x8-5401 with any questions.
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on April 26, 2000.