The Performance Management Team is surveying MIT's administrative staff for their opinions of and experiences with the performance appraisal system. The survey will be available on the web on Monday, April 13.
The team will also be hosting a series of department focus groups as well as general focus groups for administrative staff members to discuss the appraisal process. Team members are interested in all comments on the process as well as any suggestions for improvement.
The focus groups are scheduled for Monday, April 13 and Thursday, April 23, both from noon-1pm in Rm 68-121, and Thursday, April 30 from noon-1pm in Rm 10-250. All administrative staff members are urged to participate in the survey and attend one of the focus groups. Anyone who is interested in having a departmental focus group or who has other comments may contact the Performance Management Team at
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on April 8, 1998.