The Cambridge City Council has issued a proclamation welcoming Elaine R. Jones to the city as the keynote speaker at the 23d annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebratory Breakfast at MIT on Thursday, Feb. 6.
The proclamation, sponsored by Councilor Ken Reeves, says:
"WHEREAS: Elaine Jones is a gifted attorney, advocate and spirited speaker; and
"WHEREAS: Ms. Jones has led the NAACP Legal Defense Fund for many years, having begun as a staff attorney under the direction of the late Thurgood Marshall, now therefore be it
"RESOLVED: That this City Council go on record welcoming Elaine R. Jones, General Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund Inc. as she comes to Cambridge to be the Guest Speaker for the MIT Convocation hosted by President Charles Vest and the MIT Corporation; and be it further
"RESOLVED: That in the spirit of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we hope her visit will aid the worldwide Movement for Human Rights and Justice."
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on January 29, 1997.