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Some company founders with MIT degrees

Ray Stata, chairman and CEO, Analog Devices, MIT '57

Originally from Pennsylvania, Raymond S. Stata received both the SB and SM in electrical engineering from MIT. In 1965, Mr. Stata founded Analog Devices, Inc.> with his former MIT roommate, Matthew Lorber (SB '56, electrical engineering) and Richard Burwen (a Harvard alumnus). He served as senior vice president for marketing, sales and engineering at the company before becoming president in 1971; he has been chairman and chief executive officer since 1973. "One of the things I like best about running a company is trying to create the kind of culture that allows people to grow and develop," he says. Headquartered in Norwood, MA, Analog Devices designs, manufactures and markets analog, mixed-signal and digital signal processing equipment. As of 1995, Analog Devices had 6,000 employees and sales of $941 million.

Marina Hatsopoulos, president, Z Corporation, MIT '93

Marina I. Hatsopoulos, originally from Lincoln, MA, received the SM in mechanical engineering from MIT in 1993. She worked in corporate finance for Chase Manhattan Bank in New York and then in acquisitions, marketing, and operations for Thermo Electron Corp. before founding Z Corporation in 1994 with her husband, Walter Bornhorst MIT '66, Jim Bredt MIT '82 and Tim Anderson. Headquartered in Somerville, Z Corp. is developing and commercializing an MIT-licensed technology for the rapid creation of three-dimensional parts automatically from a computer-aided design (CAD) file. The company has designed a system called the Z402T, which can build a part 20 times faster than any other commercially available rapid prototyping system in the world. The first beta unit was sold in December 1996. Z Corp. currently has 10 employees.

Mark Miles, founder and CTO, Iridigm Display Corporation, MIT '85

Mark W. Miles, originally from Atlanta, received the SB in electrical engineering from MIT in 1985. He has more than six years of experience in micro electromechanical and materials processing, and is the inventor of Modulator (IMod) technology, a simple MEM structure which replicates "structural color." In 1994, Mr. Miles and Erik Larson (SB '87, mechanical engineering) founded Iridigm Display Corporation in Boston, a developer of reflective flat-panel displays (FPDs) that produce vibrant colors, can be viewed in bright sunlight and can be produced inexpensively. Iridigm has been incubated in MIT's Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and is currently completing development of initial IMod display prototypes.

Jennifer Glos, RoseBud Toys, MIT '95

Jennifer W. Glos grew up in Columbus, OH, and received the SB in brain and cognitive sciences from MIT in 1995; she is currently a candidate for the SM in media arts and sciences at MIT in 1997. Glos worked briefly as a program manager, designing software for Microsoft Corp. in Seattle before returning to MIT to pursue her master's degree. She is currently a research assistant in the Gesture and Narrative Language Group at the MIT Media Laboratory, where her research focuses on designing toys for young girls to interest them in science and technology. Ms. Glos is in the early stages of developing a company, RoseBud Toys, which will design a line of "technological toys" to combine traditional toys with today's technologies, using ideas drawn from her MIT research. She is an entrant in the 1997 MIT $50K Entrepreneurship Competition.

Thomas Massie, chairman and CTO, SensAble Technologies, MIT '93

Thomas H. Massie grew up in Vanceburg, KY, and received the SB in electrical science and engineering and the SM in mechanical engineering from MIT in 1993 and 1996, respectively. While at MIT, he won the Design 2.70 contest (1993), the Lemelson-MIT student prize for inventions (1995), and the 1995 MIT $10K Entrepreneurship Competition. For his bachelor's degree thesis project, Mr. Massie and his Artifical Intelligence Laboratory advisor, Kenneth Salisbury, designed and built the PHANToM, a device which creates the sensation of touch for computer users by exerting a precisely controlled force on the user's fingertip. In 1993, Massie and his wife Rhonda (Howard) Massie, MIT '95, formed SensAble Devices (renamed SensAble Technologies in 1996)> to commercialize and manufacture "haptic interface" devices such as the PHANToM. The company, which is based in University Park at MIT, has an international roster of customers that includes General Electric, Disney and Toyota.

Jeet Singh, president and CEO, Art Technology Group, MIT '86

Jeet Singh, a native of India, received the SB in political science from MIT in 1986. After graduating, he held various positions in product marketing, planning, and management, including serving as one of the first employees and the product/marketing manager for the primary product line at Boston Technology, Inc. In 1991, Mr. Singh and Joseph Chung (SB '89, electrical engineering) founded Art Technology Group (ATG) of Boston, a provider of consumer-focused Internet applications and development tools. ATG's first wide-release product is Dynamo, a Java-based Internet application environment. Some of the company's clients include Sony Online Ventures, Stream International, Harvard Business School, Apple Computer and the MIT Media Laboratory.

A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on March 5, 1997.

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