Membership in MIT's Quarter Century Club grew to 2,667 this spring as 135 new members were welcomed at a luncheon held March 28 at the Faculty Club.
Members of the Club's Board of Directors each hosted a table at the luncheon and introduced the new members seated there. Joan F. Rice, vice president for human resources, represented President Charles M. Vest, who was out of town, and read a letter of welcome from him.
For the first time this year, a husband and wife, Robert A. and Audrey Jones Childs, were admitted simultaneously, although the club has a number of families with multiple representation. Another notable new member was unable to be present at the luncheon. He is Institute Professor John M. Deutch, who is on leave awaiting Senate confirmation as director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
This year's new members are:
Susan J. Andrews, Lincoln Group 96
Orlando J. Annese, Chemistry
Linda I. Audin, Medical Department
Rita Baglio, Housing Office
Professor Lotte Bailyn, Sloan School of Management
Professor Jeanne Bamberger, Music and Theater Arts Section
Michael Baranger, Physics
Professor Arnold I. Barnett, Sloan School of Management
Muriel J. Bernier, Ocean Engineering
William E. Bicknell, Lincoln Group 51
Frank L. Bingham, Lincoln Group 72
Cynthia C. Bloomquist, Vice President for Resource Development
Joseph T. Blucher, Materials Science and Engineering
George Boolos, Linguistics and Philosophy
Joan G. Boughan, Center for Space Research
David L. Briggs, Lincoln Division 4
William T. Brogan, Lincoln Group 86
Andrew J. Brown, Comptroller's Accounting Office
Ivan E. Burris, Lincoln Group 21
Professor Wit Busza, Physics
Alfred Cangeme, Physical Plant
Professor A. Doughas Carmichael, Ocean Engineering
James D. Carroll, Lincoln Group 95
Merle Ann Carter, Laboratory for Nuclear Science
Antoinette Centorino, Materials Science and Engineering
Audrey Jones Childs, Biotechnology Center
Robert A. Childs, Plasma Fusion Center
Professor Nazli Choucri, Political Science
Joseph S. Collins, Alumni/ae Association
Chathan M. Cooke, Laboratory for Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems
Professor Charles L. Cooney, Chemical Engineering
William N. Craig, Lincoln Group 34
Janet L. Cronin, Industrial Liaison Program/Corporate Relations
Linda R. Cuccurullo, Libraries
Catherine E. Cumming, Lincoln Fiscal Office
Marylouise G. Darrell, Libraries
Frances M. DeAngelis, Industrial Liaison Program/Corporate Relations
Professor Arnold L. Demain, Biology
Institute Professor John M. Deutch
Constantine J. Digenis, Lincoln Group 95
Professor Peter S. Donaldson, Literature Section
Ann C. Drumm, Lincoln Group 42
Bruce E. Duquette, Lincoln Group 52
Professor Ira Dyer, Ocean Engineering
Jean Dzengeleski, Office of the Provost
Paul Earls, Center for Advanced Visual Studies
Margaret S. Enders, Undergraduate Education and Student Affairs
David H. Enggren, Lincoln Group 48
Leslie A. Finck, Office of the Provost
William W. Forbes, Center for Space Research
Professor Ralph A. Gakenheimer, Urban Studies and Planning
Ronald F. Generazzo, Office of Sponsored Programs
Louis Goldberg, Physical Plant
Dallas M. Gould, Biology
Mary Anne Gowen, School of Engineering
Professor Robert G. Griffin, Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory
J. Thomas Guttadauro, Lincoln Group 95
Professor John H. Harbison, Music and Theater Arts Section
Alan E. Harrington, Comptroller's Accounting Office
Clarke P. Heon, Haystack Observatory
Peter E. Hicks, Physical Plant
Thomas E. Holbrook, Computing Support Services
Professor Peter A. Holland, Athletics
Professor Roman Jackiw, Physics
Robert F. Kane, Mechanical Engineering
Peter B. Kelley, Operations and Systems
Professor Steven Lawrence Kleiman, Mathematics
Thomas F. Knight Jr., Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Roger H. Kolb, Libraries
Herb Kottler, Lincoln Division 9
David F. Lambert, Operations and Systems
Mary F. Lane, Sloan School of Management
Naum Lazarou, Operations and Systems
Professor Heather N. Lechtman, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Barbara J. Linden, MIT Museum
Everett D. Longstreth, Music and Theater Arts Section
Richard H. Lyon, Mechanical Engineering
Louise M. MacEachern, Telecommunications Systems
Paul W. MacDonald, Property Office
John J. Madden, Campus Police
Stephen J. Madden Jr., Aeronautics and Astronautics
Professor David Hunter Marks, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Joe A. Marshall Jr., Lincoln Group 72
Manuel Martinez-Sanchez, Aeronautics and Astronautics
William F. Mayer, Center for Space Research
Jane E. McCauley, Lincoln Fiscal Office
Kenneth McRitchie, Physical Plant
Edward L. Meade Jr., Lincoln Group 95
Rosa Melo, Center for Advanced Engineering Study
Professor Albert R. Meyer, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Professor Sanjoy K. Mitter, Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
Nishan J. Najarian Jr., Physical Plant
Ellen F. Nangle, Sloan School of Management
John C. Narcotta, Physical Plant
Robert E. Nicholls, Lincoln Group 38
John V. Pantano, Lincoln Group 83
Professor Seymour A. Papert, Media Arts and Sciences Section
Robert F. Paquette, Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory
Antonio F. Pensa, Lincoln Group 91
Professor Uttam L. RajBhandary, Biology
Lewis H. Renshaw, Physical Plant
Sharon L Richardson, Admissions Office
Jeanne M. Rinaldi, Energy Laboratory
Michael J. Riordan, Laboratory for Nuclear Science
Carol S. Robinson, Libraries
Angelo E. Rodriguez, Lincoln Group 72
Josefina Briones Sabio, Clinical Research Center
Aida R. Sayegh, Libraries
Kathleen B. Sayre, Alumni/ae Association
Richard F. Schiavoni, Property Office
Marceline D. Sealy, Physical Plant
Marie Elena Seamon, Public Relations Services
LeRoy E. Sievers, Lincoln Group 33
Franklin C. Smith, Operations and Systems
Theresa E. Speaks, Alumni Association
Susan M. Staecker, Lincoln Group 94
Brooke Stevens, MIT Press
Phyllis E. Stevens, Chemistry
Phyllis Cameron Stone, Lincoln Director's Office
Professor Nam P. Suh, Mechanical Engineering
Professor Lawrence E. Susskind, Urban Studies and Planning
Orlando Suva Martin, Libraries
Kimball D. Thurston Jr., Lincoln Group 38
Elsa G. Tian, Audit Division
Professor Neil E. Todreas, Nuclear Engineering
Samuel G. Tracey, Physical Plant
Nancy Tucker, Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory
Joseph M. Walsh, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Professor Jan Wampler, Architecture
Barbara Jean Ward, Lincoln Fiscal Office
Clifford J. Weinstein, Lincoln Group 24
Professor Roy E. Welsch, Sloan School of Management
Sandra G. Wilkes, Comptroller's Accounting Office
Joyce V. Yearwood, Sloan School of Management
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on April 12, 1995.