The Supplier Consolidation Reengineering Team has established a redesign team to look at the design and printing of products and publications.
The new team will build on the work of the Publications Services Review Group that made its report last year. The Printing Design Team will map and analyze the current process, identify industry "best practices," and propose a new process for the design and printing of items ranging from business cards to technical reports and newsletters.
Team members are David Ferriero, associate director of Libraries for public services (team captain); Paula Cronin, Sloan School publisher; Janet Snover, manager of customer relations and services, Graphic Arts; Barrie Gleason, communications manager, Communications Office; and Sue Shansky, assistant director for administration, Industrial Liaison Program.
The group has a target date of May 25 to present a process redesign. Questions and suggestions should be directed to the team at
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on April 26, 1995.