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Lerman to become MIT's vice chancellor

Steven R. Lerman
Steven R. Lerman
Photo / Donna Coveney

Dean for Graduate Education Steven R. Lerman '72, S.M. '73, Ph.D. '75 will become MIT's vice chancellor, effective July 1, Chancellor Phillip L. Clay announced this week.

In his role as vice chancellor, Lerman will serve as a full deputy in support of the chancellor on operational issues across all student and education areas for which the chancellor is responsible. Lerman will also continue as dean for graduate education.

"Steve's leadership and support will be invaluable as we seek to enhance operations and engage faculty and staff in all areas of education and student life," Clay said. "His contagious enthusiasm will also be a tremendous asset in our collaborations with students and in our outreach to alumni and supporters of MIT."

"I am honored to take this new position in the MIT administration," Lerman said. "I look forward to working closely with the Chancellor to advance MIT's goal of integrating student life and learning for all of our students."

Lerman, the Class of 1922 Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and a member of the MIT faculty since 1975, brings considerable experience and deep knowledge of MIT culture and the range of issues of student life and learning.  Beyond specific initiatives he will undertake, Lerman will work directly with the DUE and DSL on a variety of areas, Clay said.

Lerman has been a leader in educational innovation for many years --from pioneering leadership in Project Athena to his current leadership of the Center for Educational Computing Initiatives, to chairing the committee on MIT OpenCourseWare. Clay noted that Lerman has built a reputation for fresh thinking, technical knowledge, skillful management, and great prowess in pulling various stakeholders together to advance MIT goals.

"This background will be invaluable as MIT seeks to build on its strength and face new opportunities in student life and education," Clay said.

Lerman has authored more than 50 publications, including two books. He has held several chairs at MIT and has been recognized with awards for his teaching, including the chair he now holds. His department and the Graduate Student Council have both honored him for excellence in teaching.

A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on June 4, 2008 (download PDF).

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