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Displaying 361 - 375 of 1062 news articles related to this topic.
“I’ve been drawn to [international] experiences mainly because I love school, and I love the classroom experience, but it just can’t compare to living with people and understanding their way of life and the issues they face every day," says senior Kendyll Hicks.

A force for health equity

Through on-site projects in developing countries and internships in the business world, Kendyll Hicks explores the political and economic drivers of global health.

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Carolina Ortega, a third-year mathematics student at MIT, talks with students as part of a MISTI-Africa program to connect MIT mathletes with their Ghanaian counterparts.

It all adds up

MIT students train teams in Ghana and Uganda for the International Mathematical Olympiad through MISTI-Africa.

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Junior Alex Cuellar with his constructed language. The chalkboard reads: "I can speak Oafal."

How to build a language

MIT students are inventing constructed languages — or “conlangs” — in a class that uses linguistics to supply the building blocks.

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