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An item in Awards and Honors in the September 30, 1998 issue of MIT Tech Talk, noting that Dr. Bruce Lahn (a postdoctoral associate at the Whitehead Institute) had won the $10,000 third prize in the Merrill Lynch Forum's Innovative Grants Competition, should also have said that Dr. MacMurray Whale (PhD 1997, mechanical engineering) was also a winner. He was awarded a $3,000 discretionary grant for his technology for producing electricity by direct energy conversion from a thermal source by exploiting microscale effects. Possible applications include solar energy and alternative-powered microscale thermophotovoltaics. The contest sought dissertation topics that could be translated into a commercial product or service. Dr. Whale is now an assistant professor at the University of Victoria in Canada.

A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on January 13, 1999.

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