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Henderson to head CSS

Rosalind Williams, dean for undergraduate education and student affairs, has appointed Arnold R. Henderson Jr. to lead Counseling and Support Services (CSS), effective October 1.

Dean Henderson, who came to the Institute in 1986 as an assistant dean for counseling, has been associate dean for counseling and support services since 1993. Jacqueline Simonis-the head of the section since the Student Assistance Services split into CSS and the International Students Office in 1993-will exchange the administrative duties of the section head for an assessment of personal support mechanisms provided by the Institute and involvement in the training and supervision of staff working with students.

"Jackie Simonis provided strong leadership during a defining time for Counseling and Support Services. She will continue her fine work seeing students as an associate dean in CSS and will lead the counseling assessment project," Dean Williams said.

"Arnold Henderson's appointment as section head maintains strong leadership of this critical function of providing personal and academic counseling for students. The office works collabor-atively on both counseling and administrative issues. The team is still in place, so I am quite sure CSS will maintain its high level of service to the student population and the MIT community. We are fortunate to have two such dedicated individuals on our staff."

A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on December 4, 1996.

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